Between Owls, Bats and Blind Spots, lucebert x it is part of an ensemble
Cobra Museum, Amstelveen, 4.4 – 31.8.2025
with: it is part of an ensemble
The Basement Show, Stokker Jaeger, Amsterdam, 18.1 – 16.3.2025
With: B. Wurtz, Eleye Boerenkamps, Lucky DeBellevue, Guy de Cointet,
Femke Dekkers, Sander van Deurzen, Kimball Holth, Judith Hopf, Wjm Kok,
gerlach en koop, Matthew McCaslin, Emmeline de Mooij, Helma Pantus,
Rob Pruitt, Steel Stillman, Esther Tielemans and HW Werther.
Music: Alan Licht – A New York Minute. Curated by Lily van der Stokker.
Address: Lomansraat 112, Amsterdam. Open: fri–sat, 1–6pm
(extended until june 2025, by appointment)
Marijn van Kreij (Middelrode, 1978) is a visual artist working with drawing,
collage and (sound)objects. I am also a tutor at Gerrit Rietveld Academie
and involved in the collective practice of it is part of an ensemble.
New book: Pictorial Content? (ROMA 467) is available at your local
bookshop through Idea Books.
Scroll down through (a selection of) past events or jump to bottom for archive
of exhibition views, publications, texts and contact details.
How to Look at a Spiral, De Pont, Tilburg, 30.5 – 18.8.2024
Solo exhibition and presentation of new book Pictorical Content? (ROMA 467).
view documentation
Meaning Making, Joseph Tang, Paris, 29.6 – 25.8.2024
Solo exhibition with a contribution by it is part of an ensemble.
part 41 (carriers), Klemm's, Berlin, 4.8 – 3.9.2023
A summer project with it is part of an ensemble
view documentation
Wörthersee, Wörtersee, Kunstraum Lakeside, Klagenfurt, 5.7 – 22.9.2023
Group exhibition curated by Robin Waart. With works by Patrícia Almeida, Maria Anwander,
Daniela Comani, Josef Dabernig, Claire Fontaine, Hermann Gabler, Hermann Gabler,
Dora García, Irena Haiduk, Iman Issa, Ana Jotta, John Morgan, Kay Rosen, Hans Schabus,
Lena Sieder-Semlitsch, John Stezaker, Mitchell Thar and Robin Waart
An edition of 10 unique silkscreen overprints made during a workperiod at Plaatsmaken
for the project Altered Breath is now available at their webshop.
Nirvana, Secondroom, Antwerp, 17.6.2023
Exhibition and presentation of the publication Nirvana with Marc Nagtzaam and lxhxb.
The publication is available through
We Gotta Change, Joseph Tang, Paris, 12.1 – 4.3.2023
Group exhibition with Sean Bluechel, Olivier Foulon & Alexander Lieck, Guillaume Millet,
Charlotte Moth, Carlos Reyes & Jo-ey Tang
Art does not come from thinking, but from responding. / Everyone carries a history of
contamination; purity is not an option. / Beyond all questions of old or new, the human
hand is the ever-present tool of human feeling. / We must come down to earth from the
clouds where we live in vagueness and experience the most real thing there is: material. /
To bear and not to own; to act and not lay claim; to do the work and let it go. / Repetition
is a form of change. / Inspired action is destiny.
Sentences found in my notebooks in a specific order (Summer 2022).
Words of wisdom by Sister Corita Kent, Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing, Soetsu Yanagi
(translation: Bernard Leach), Anni Albers, Lao Tzu (translation: Ursula K. Le Guin),
Oblique Strategies (Brian Eno and Peter Schmidt) and Agnes Martin.
The Wiggle of a Worm, Plaatsmaken, Arnhem, 22.7 – 11.9.22 (with Ananda Serné)
Showing work in progress made during a 3-month workperiod at Plaatsmaken as part of
Altered Breath, a project on the commons, initiated by Wouter Venema. Other participants
include: Astrid Nobel, Bernice Nauta, Muge Yilmaz, Radna Fabia, Vicky Francken and
Dorien de Wit
Abstraction, Class, Education, Hacking, History, Information, Nature, Production,
Property, Representation, Revolt, State, Subject, Surplus, Vector, World, Writings.
Solo exhibition at KLEMM’S, Berlin, 15.1 – 25.2.2022
view documentation
Currently presenting works in two group exhibitions: After Daan van Golden
at Parts Project, The Hague, 5.9 – 7.11.2021 and Re:Re:Re: at
AG, Ruimte voor nieuwe kunst en media, Utrecht, 11.9 – 9.10.2021
Solo exhibition How to Look Out at Barbara Seiler, Zürich, 15.1 – 27.3.2021
All the tired horses in the sun
How am I supposed to get any ridin' done?
Hmm. (Self portrait, 1970)*
Solo exhibition Contemporary Presences: Marijn van Kreij at Museu Picasso, Barcelona,
18.9 – 1.11.2020. Curated by Erich Weiss.
view documentation
Installed a windpiano, a contribution for Unlocked/Reconnected and the exhibition 2020,
at Rozenstraat – a rose is a rose is a rose, Amsterdam. The exhibition 2020 runs until
September 26, 2020.
Maximum Calm – a drawing exhibition as book published by ha•u•su press and
andriesse eyck, Amsterdam is out now. With works by Dan Asher, Jakup Ferri,
Hans Hoekstra, Tomoko Kawachi, Joost Krijnen, Rory Pilgrim, Daragh Reeves
and Wieske Wester. Cover image is by Daragh Reeves, Viktorija Watching
Breakfast at Tiffany's, 2020
Solo exhibition The Painter at andriesse eyck, Amsterdam, 7.9 – 12.10.2019
Opening Saturday 7 September, 13 – 19h.
At 16h Josh Cheatham and
Nickel van Duijvenboden will perform a short recital. Be welcome.
Group exhibition Speak, Memory at W139, Amsterdam, 13.9 – 3.11.2019
With: Marie Aly, Gijs Frieling, Meschac Gaba, Eulàlia Garcia Valls,
Charles & Ray Eames, Thomas Hirschhorn, Ad de Jong, Job Koelewijn,
Aernout Mik, Julika Rudelius and Gayatri Subramanian
Opening Friday 13 September, 20 – 1h
Produced new weavings based on Gunta Stölzl's 5 Chöre (1928) at the
Textiellab for the exhibition Bauhaus&: Modern Textiles in The Netherlands,
Textielmuseum, Tilburg, 25.5 – 3.11.2019
De dolfijn die voor het schip uit zwemt
zwemt net zolang voor het schip uit,
tot er geen sprake meer is van een
dolfijn die voor een schip uit zwemt.*
Solo exhibition Nude in the Studio at Marres, Maastricht, 30.6 – 9.9.2018.
view documentation
A small exhibition in a bookstore in Tokyo: Nude in the Studio, Post, Tokyo,
26.10 – 11.11.18
Group exhibition The Line Up, Centraal Museum, Utrecht, 22.9–18.11.18
Participated in two consecutive exhibitions at Kunstverein Langenhagen
The Extended View, 15.3–6.5.2018
and The Changing Appearance, 27.5–8.7.2018
Groupshow Joy in Repetition at Onrust, Amsterdam, 18.2–6.5.2018
With: Again, Bernard Piffaretti,Thomas Raat, Han Schuil, Alan Uglow and Robert Zandvliet
Painting blue windows based on a fragment from Picasso's The Studio (1956),
Nieuw en Meer, Amsterdam, summer 2017
Worked together with students of Erasmus University, Rotterdam
for The Studio, a commisioned artwork for the new University Library,
6.2 – 17.2.2017
view documentation
Exhibition and book Reclining Nude with a Man Playing the Guitar at
Hermitage, Amsterdam, 24.11.2016 – 28.5.2017
See also publications
Worked 3 months in Kamiyama, Japan, supported by Kamiyama Artist in Residence,
August – November 2016
Inspiration for Not much is thrown away because there really is no place to throw it,
a temporary intervention in Yona Friedman's Iconostase 180 for Do It With Others
at Park, Tilburg, 11.8.2016.
view documentation
Solo exhibition Nude in front of a Garden at KLEMM'S, Berlin, 24.6 – 6.8.2016
view documentation
Work on view at the exhibition : (curated by gerlach en koop), Bonnefantenmuseum,
Maastricht 15.04.2016 - 27.11.2016. With
works by: Dan Asher, Ben Akkerman,
Francis Alÿs, Ben d’Armagnac, Joseph Beuys, Marcel Broodthaers, René Daniëls,
Ad Dekkers, Jirí George Dokoupil, Rodrigo Hernández, Daan van Golden, Douglas Huebler,
Donald Judd, On Kawara, Suchan Kinoshita, Rob van Koningsbruggen, Bart van der Leck,
Agnes Martin, Rebecca Morris, Bruce Nauman, Jan Schoonhoven, Richard Serra,
Roman Signer, Jan Slothouber en William Graatsma, Société Céramique,
Lily van der Stokker, Curdin Tones, Joëlle Tuerlinckx, Franz West, Willem de Rooij,
Haegue Yang, a.o.
Contingence for Beginners an exhibition with Nickel van Duijvenboden at Barbara Seiler,
Zürich, 2.4 – 7.5.2016
Untitled (Paul Klee, Harmony of the Northern Flora, 1927), 2016
Pencil and gouache on paper, 215 x 152cm
Three collages from the exhibition Range Anxiety at andriesse eyck galerie, Amsterdam,
view documentation
Participation in the group exhibition Zeitraum, Roger Raveelmuseum, Machelen-aan-de-Leie,
26.10.2014–8.3.2015 With: Raoul De Keyser, Roger Raveel, JCJ Vanderheyden, Daan van Golden,
Dan van Severen a.o.
Exhibition views
Texts and reviews
Sources and references
andriesse eyck, Amsterdam
KLEMM'S, Berlin
Barbara Seiler, Zürich
marijn [at] marijn van kreij [dot] nl